Meet our expert audiologists & speech therapists

Ms. Vedanti A. Patil
B.A.S.L.P (Mumbai)

Mr. Sarvesh P. Kasar
B.A.S.L.P (Mumbai)


Lets talk about Speakiepedia

  • Speakiepedia
    Address: 1, Datta Niwas, Lieutenant Dilip Gupte road, Near Gupte maternity hospital, Mahim (W),Mumbai-400016
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Audiological Services?

We are sure, everyone present here must have met someone having difficulties to hear. In your family, neighbourhood or at your workplace. According to latest studies, Over 5% of the world’s population or 400 million people require some help to address their ‘disabling’ hearing loss (365 million adults and 35 million children).
Hearing loss can happen at any age. It’s considered as a silent killer, because it can lead to social withdrawal and mental decline. Hearing aids can restore some of your hearing and let you fully enjoy life, but it can be daunting to figure out which one is right for you.

● Have trouble hearing over the telephone
● Find it hard to follow conversations when two or more people are talking
● Often ask people to repeat what they are saying
● Need to turn up the TV volume so loud that others complain
● Have a problem hearing because of background noise
● Think that others seem to mumble
● Can’t understand when women and children speak to you
● If your child is not responding to loud sounds
● If child is unable to speak meaningful words at 1-1.5 year of age

● Leaving hearing loss untreated may lead to various neurological conditions like memory loss (dementia).
● It's also observed that more people with untreated hearing loss are involved in road accidents.
● Hypertension
● Depression and anxiety leading to suicidal thoughts
● Cognitive decline
● Sleep deprivation
● Lack of confidence and self esteem
● Difficulties in multitasking (handling multiple tasks at a time)

Check out our first ever virtual audiologist app:

Vedaa - Virtual Audiologist

What is Speech Therapy?

Speech, language and communication is the essence of our life. It is very important aspect of every human being’s overall development as well. Speech and language therapy helps you to deal with all problems and challenges you/ your child is facing with speech, language and and communication. As children improve their speech and communication, they are better able to express their needs, share their thoughts and interact with others. Adults facing any kind of talking/ communication issues, gain their confidence and overcome the challenges with the help of speech therapy.

A typical child follows a sequence of speech and language developmental stages. Any alteration in this sequence due to limited exposure or any other associated condition would result in speech and language developmental delay. Due to speech and language delay, children do not achieve age appropriate milestones in comprehension (understanding) of language and expression (talking). It affects normal development of child. Children may lag behind than their peers. It can affect academics and family dynamics as well. Speech therapy effectively helps you to overcome the delay, expand child’s receptive and expressive vocabulary and improve communication skills. Remember, “EARLY IDENTIFICATION IS THE KEY OF SUCCESSFUL REHABILITATION”. Child starts using adult like language step by step. Above mentioned normal developmental stages can be overlapping. They can vary to a lesser extent. However, there should not be a delay of more than 6 months in achievement of these normal developmental stages. Check out normal speech and language developmental stages of Indian children as per various research papers
Speech and Language Developmental Milestones in Indian children

Autism or Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) comprises of a wide range of conditions mainly characterized by challenges with social skills/ appropriate use of language in society (pragmatics), delayed or deviant speech and language development, non verbal communication, repetitive behaviours and sensory issues. Speech therapy helps you to improve language abilities, social interaction and communication.

Children with cerebral palsy can have difficulty in muscle control, weakness in oro motor muscles, delayed language, swallowing issues. Speech therapy can help improve communication, eating and swallowing. It can encourage confidence, learning and socialization.

Formerly known as Mental Retardation. It is characterized by significant limitations in both intellectual functioning and adaptive behaviour. Speech and language development is delayed, speech clarity can be poor which makes it difficult to understand individual’s speech.
Speech therapy can be very beneficial to overcome these issues.

If child has hearing loss, he/she does not get enough exposure to ‘hearing and talking world’. It results into speech and language delay. After fitting of hearing aid/ cochlear implant, child does not start listening and speaking automatically. He/she needs intensive speech and language therapy and auditory training to overcome the delay.

Children with cleft lip and palate have lots of articulation (pronunciation) errors, affected speech clarity and voice resonance issues. These issues persist after surgery as well.
Speech therapy proves to be helpful to achieve better speech and language skills. It may help to reduce nasal speech quality.

Commonly known as “totlapan”. Some children are not able to articulate/ pronounce certain sounds. Articulation disorders affect speech clarity and makes it difficult for other persons to understand child’s speech. Speech therapy helps you to improve your articulation stepwise makes your communication effective.

“Meri aavaj hi pehchaan hai!!!” Every individual has unique voice. However, voice misuse, voice abuse may result in breathy, hoarse and harsh voice. Few male adults have high pitched female like voice (Puberphonia). Voice disorders can affect your social and personal life. It has a huge impact on professional life in cases of professional voice users like singers, voice over artists, actors, public speakers, teachers, sales persons etc. Voice therapy enables you to rediscover and maintain your precious voice. Voice therapy can also be helpful if you want to pursue your career in a field where your voice is required extensively.

Many children as well as adults have stammering/ stuttering which is a huge obstacle in effective communication. It is a fluency disorder causing disrupted flow of speech by involuntary repetitions, prolongations, interjections and blocks. A person having stuttering faces confidence issues, vicious cycle of avoiding and escaping social encounters. It can affect academics and performance at work places.

(Associated with Stroke, Brain Injury, Parkison’s disease etc) Aphasia: Inability to use language correctly. May talk gibberish, irrelevant or repetitive utterances. May forget words and their meanings. Dysarthria: Inability to speak. Weakness in facial muscles and muscles of oral cavity. Dementia: Gradual memory loss. May be associated with cognitive issues. Dysphagia: Difficulty in swallowing. All these neurological conditions restricts individual’s ability to communicate. Swallowing disorders affect your nutrition and physical health. Affects social life and family dynamics as well.
Speech therapy helps you overcome all the restrictions and improve individual’s quality of life.


Vedanti's class has helped my daughter drastically. She was just doing gestures at the beginning to communicate with us. But since her sessions with Vedanti she has started to talking using sentences and communicate and she is progressing daily. Vedanti puts a lot of effort to ensure she is engaged with her during the session. Vedanti uses innovative and different techniques to teach my child like stories poems, toys,dolls, shopping online for her dolls which makes it interesting for the child.
Overall Vedanti shows a lot for patience and dedication to ensure my kid learns new sounds and words which has helped my daughter to great extent.

Mrs. Shubhada Thakur
(Mother of 5 years old)

I am a mother of 16 years old child with special needs. He doesn’t have clear speech. Its been 2 years, I met Vedanti ma’am, and my child is taking speech therapy sessions under her guidance.

Vedanti ma’am is really very sweet, very cooperative, so caring and a lovely therapist. She has lots of patience (doesn’t get irritated) and has so many interesting activities for kids to make them sit and follow the activities.

My child has really progressed so much in last 2 years. His speech is getting clear day by day, his language, his communication skills, grammar, sentence formation, etc. has developed so much under ma’am. In COVID pandemic, she has managed to take to take sessions online and now I am shifted to Kenya, Nairobi but still I didn’t find anyone better than her. My son is still attending online sessions. We are blessed to have you in our lives. Thank you so much for everything. May god bless you.

Mrs. Neha Gupta
(Mother of 16 years old child)

We are really satisfied with speech sessions conducted by Vedanti Patil.
She uses many different techniques to improve speech. She observes where child is lagging and works on different areas like cognitive, emotions expressions, facial exercises etc. She is friendly and knows how to deal with the kid well.

Mrs. Mhatre
(Mother of 12 years old)

I will start with simple Thanks to Ms. Vedanti for bringing happiness in our lives. Her patience, zeal to support my son and guidance helped a lot. I wished that Omansh should start making atleast one sentence before his 4th birthday but you see... he is now speaking more than our expectation. Her appreciation gives us confidence, her compliments motivates us and her efforts bring energy in us. Once Omansh complimented her... Didi you are Beautiful... indeed she is... from her fair heart!

Mr. Aakash Agrawal
(father of 4 year old)

My son has been doing speech therapy with Vedanti since Jan 2020. Hardly 3 moths we had one to one sessions remaining all sessions till today we're through virtual meetings. Vedanti took efforts to be patient and teach him. There's lots of improvement in his speech due to her consistent efforts throughout. Thanks Vedanti

Mrs. P. Hatkar
(mother of a 4 year old)

Hello, I was looking to suitable hearing aid for my 82 years old grandmother. I visited many clinics but somehow, she was not ready to use the hearing aid. Then we got in touch with team speakiepedia. They considered all highlighted factors and recommended best suitable hearing aid. The journey from no hearing aids to hearings aids (8 hrs per day) happened only because of them.
Thank you team Speakiepedia

Mr. M. Narayanan

I am 33 years old and a mother of two children. I was suffering with hearing related problems for 10 years but hearing was never the issue. After second pregnancy, I started facing problems to hear in group situations. Team speakiepedia helped me to get the hearing aid which has lots of advance features like rechargeability, TV and phone connectivity. I am really happy with my hearing aids performance.

Mrs. Pawar

I was not ready to go for hearing aids as I was applying for new jobs. Though I could able to manage most of the time without hearing aids but I was aware of my hearing loss. I was looking for smallest hearing aids. I got the best results with team speakiepedia. I am using IIC in both ears and hardly anyone notice that.

Mr. Singh
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